Monday, July 20, 2009

A friend of mine sent me a good email with this saying.....

"Life may not be the party we hoped for..... but while we're here we might as well dance."

Monday, July 13, 2009

Yup... Their all there

I couldn't help but count fingers and toes the second I got to hold him. LOVE those cute little fingers and toes.

Brayden and my Dad smiling for the camera. Can't believe I got smiles out of both of them at the same

time !

Brayden and Nana being silly!

Brayden couldn't wait to hold his cousin. He calls him Baby Luke. Brayden also thinks

Luke is his brother. Been trying to convince him Luke is his cousin but he doesn't quite get it yet.

I'm an Aunt!!!!!!!

Wahoo! I'm an Aunt. So excited. Luke Joseph S. Sorry I can't spell the last last name. Made his apperance 7-8-09 at ten minutes to midnight via c-section. He is 7lbs 1 ounce, 20 inches long, and perfect.

Meet Chubert.....

Another Foster ! 5 week old male blue pit bull. Brayden has named him Chubert. A horrible man was selling him in a parking lot underage, covered in fleas, had worms, no shots, and severely dehydrated. It's the Pit's was able to get him and SAVE him. I took him to get all fixed up at the vet's last night and is doing great now. I have two fosters right now so things are crazy. But I love every minute of it.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Summer Time

So it is summer time. Even though I work what seems like a million hours. I'm doing my best to fit in fun stuff for Brayden. We try not to let him know what were planning. It's so cute. We tell him it's a surprise. He always asks a ton of questions trying to get us to slip up.He'll ask is there water where I'm going? Do I need a jacket where I'm going? Are we eating where were going? He's so smart.
He's growing up so fast. They always say that the time flies by. They are right it does fly. It flies way to fast. I wish I could slow it down and enjoy more.

What a look...

Barbecue at Casa Reschke

Brayden swam and jumped all day. Papa Jimmy and him are partners in crime. Always up to no good !

4th of July

We watched firworks from our living room window. Pretty Nice! They shot them off at Brengel Terrace Park not to far from our house. We had a great view from the comfort of the couch.

Brayden Loved the monster trucks!

Friday we took Brayden to Monster trucks at the Del Mar Fair. We've gone every year. Again
ears plugged from the time we walked in. It was pretty cool. They had Monster trucks, mini trophy cars, and transformers.

So sleepy

On the way home it was like two hours past his bed time and he was hilarious. I should of video taped him. He talked to my step dad on the phone about the game and then handed the phone off and feel right to sleep. Quick!

Brayden celebrating the Padres win! With his ears still plugged....

It's a phase

I keep hoping it is only a phase. Lately when we go out and it is noisy Brayden plugs his ears. From the time we got into the stadium until the time we left they were plugged. He wouldn't even take his hands down to drink soda!

Go Padres!

Last Tuesday my friend Christina and I took Brayden to his second major league ball game.

Padres vs the Astros. Pads won! It was a great game. We got awesome tickets from our customers that had season tickets. Thanks Gracies parents. Gracie is a Great Dane that shops at our store.

Meet Stevie.....

This is my current foster dog. He's a bull terrier/pit mix . I've had him for
two months now. He has demodex mange and came to me almost completely bald. He looked like a freshly hatched baby bird. He had been dropped off at the shelter and his quote "family" wanted him euthanized. Horrible! It's the Pit's saved his life and know he lives with me temporarily. We are nursing him back to health and teaching him his manners. He is in his pool. He LOVES water!